Toto Tvalavadze


  • Prepared Michibiki Vol. 2 exhibition at Jinny Street Gallery.
  • Shipped all Punctum exhibition catalogs—some copies are still available for sale.
  • Made major modifications to the darkroom to enable C-printing.
  • Created a “VNS adapter"—merging Valoi easy120 and Negative Supply light source for better color negative scanning.
  • Published Pentax Digital Spotmeter Sticker.
  • Published Foldable Film Reminders.
  • Completed shooting the final roll for the Out of Memory Vol. 10 project.
  • Committed to a year-long bookbinding course starting in April.
  • Featured (with Lorenzo) on the cover of a local Jingumae magazine—andJ.
  • Created substantial updates to the Unbound Notebook System’s Analog Photography Templates.
  • Took a ski trip to Zao Onsen in Yamagata, experiencing the famous “snow monsters” (ice-covered trees).
  • Spent time developing my film scanning workflow, improving negative-to-positive conversion techniques.

The shortest month of the year turned out to be quite productive—or maybe it’s just being back in Tokyo and getting into its rhythm again that moved me fast. For certain, I do feel quite a bit more comfortable in my studio—creating and working there comes easily.

I’m catching up on my infinite backlog of tasks and getting closer to launching a membership program. I haven’t set an exact launch date yet, but it feels more imminent than ever.
