- Visited several art venues including Artizon Museum and Hiroshi Senju Museum in Karuizawa
- Explored photography gear changes
- Set up of Punctum exhibition for Jinny Street Gallery
- Insightful discussion about entering the art world with Jeremy
- Found inspiration in Gregory Halpern’s Magnum course
- Got artwork collected in past year framed
- Built an Ayrton Senna Lego set
November is always tough on my brain, but pleasant on my senses. Tokyo is blessed to have one of the nicest Novembers of all the places I have been. The sun shines at least two-thirds of the days, and the cold is not as bone-piercing as it could be. November is also the month I have to renew my Japanese visa—every, damn, year. I hope this time I’ll get a three-year break from it.