General Templates
I don’t use many general-purpose templates; I find plain paper to be the best tool for most daily tasks. I designed the Unbound Notebook System to be as elastic as the brain itself, so rigid templates for daily use would go against the core design principles of the system.
I find niche- and domain-specific templates, like the ones I created to track my film photography, far more useful.
I’ve designed a few general-use templates, but in practice, I rarely use them. Still, I’ve decided to share them because not everyone’s brain works the different way. They might be useful to someone or serve as inspiration to create something new.
Table of Contents
I use Bible-size pages, so the templates are formatted accordingly. You’re welcome to make your own versions in any size or with any modifications. If they don’t fit your needs, simply use them as inspiration. At the heart of Unbound System is extreme flexibility.
Daily Log
I’ve always struggled with food and maintaining my body weight. To stay in shape, I have to be extremely strict about what I eat. In 2012, I learned how to count calories effectively. This template helps me track all the basics I need for a day.
Book List
I love books—real, paper books, especially the beautiful artifacts that are photo books. But when it comes to books made of text, I don’t have a favorite medium. Paper, screens, e-ink, and even audiobooks—they all work for me.
However, this creates a challenge: I often forget about digital books because they tend to fall out of my peripheral vision. To address this, I maintain a Book List as an Unbound page. You’ll notice the Medium column comes even before the book title column. I write entries like Kindle or Paper there.
These templates are licensed under CC BY 4.0, which means you can share, adapt, modify, build upon, and do pretty much anything you want with them—just mention the notebook system itself somewhere when you publish.