Toto Tvalavadze


The design and structure of this website were heavily inspired by (before their redesign). It is simple, fast, easy to maintain, and perfect for elevating content above design trends. This allows me to focus on what’s most important — producing useful material without any friction.

There are no custom fonts or heavy graphics because fast software matters.

This website is generated using Hugo. The content and deployment are managed through a private Git repository and a set of GitHub workflows.

All content lives on the DigitalOcean App Platform. If you sign up with DigitalOcean through this link, we’ll both receive generous credits.

This iteration of the website was designed in 2024.12.

Tracking & Analytics

Cloudflare serves this website. Through them, I have access to minimal web analytics they provide as part of their primary service.

There are no trackers on this website.

E-Mails & Newsletter

The Flâneur and membership insider newsletters are distributed using Campaign Monitor. It costs me money, but they do not sell your email to anyone and won’t lock you into any systems or walled gardens. You can unsubscribe with a single click.